
El fruto que produce la ciruela de huesito es una drupa. Entre su piel y su semilla está la pulpa ácida y dulce. La semilla es leñosa y se le llama hueso. En Venezuela, entre abril y junio, su sabor y su fragancia se venden por  todos lados en bolsitas de papel marrón. Hay cosas insignificantes que, con la distancia, se magnifican.

The fruit that produces the huesito plum is a drupe. Between its skin and its seed is the acidic and sweet pulp. The seed is woody and is called a bone. In Venezuela, between April and June, its flavor and fragrance are sold everywhere in brown paper bags. There are seemingly insignificant things that are magninified with distance.


Gela Mederos


Lápices de colores sobre papel tissue reutilizado/ Color pencils on reused tissue paper.




18.2 x 48.7 cm. / 7,2 x 19,2 in.

For inquiries please don’t hesitate to reach out.