Gela Mederos

My work refers mainly to migration, uprooting and womanhood from a posture of  deep introspection. This delving deep inside has led me to develop a feminine and poetic language to interpret these human conditions from my own experience.


About me

I am a venezuelan/argentinian contemporary visual artist.  I have a degree in Arts from the Central University of Venezuela and studied a Master’s Degree in Communication and Cultural Creation. I am  also a jewelry designer.

As an artist, I seek to understand my own humanity in order to interpret it in images, objects and words by developing and articulating languages that allow me to do so.



En este cuerpo de obra utilizo como soporte mapas de distintas regiones de Venezuela; aquellos que mi padre, geólogo y profesor universitario, utilizaba para que sus alumnos hicieran prácticas de morfología. Los intervengo, dibujando y agregando elementos sobre ellos. Son visiones nostálgicas de lugares que di por sentados, que reconozco, que todavía habitan en mí.


The material utilized for these series of intervened cartographies, are maps of different regions of Venezuela that my father, a geologist, and university professor, used for his students to practice morphology. I intervene them by drawing and adding elements. They are nostalgic visions of places that I took for granted, that I recognize, that still inhabit within me.


Éxtima se compone de dibujos acompañados de textos poéticos, realizados en lápices de colores sobre papel tissue reutilizado, rescatados de mi última mudanza. El precario soporte que los contiene, guarda las huelas de su utilidad: proteger lo frágil, aquello que es susceptible a los cambios, al daño por agentes externos.


This series consists of drawings accompanied by poetic texts. They are draw in colored pencils on reused tissue paper, collected from my last move. The precarious support that contains them keeps traces of their usefulness: protecting the fragile, that which is susceptible to changes, to damage by external agents.


Transito diferentes caminos que, sin embargo, convergen. Me interesan las intersecciones, los cruces que aparecen entre las artes visuales, la poesía, el diseño y la artesanía.

I transit different paths that, however, converge. I am interested in the intersections, the crossroads that appear between Visual Arts, Poetry, Design, and Crafts.
